In preparation for my next trip to Paris, which will be next spring and not soon enough, I've been wading through the Flickr photo fields and elsewhere online for info and inspiration. Half the fun of taking a trip is mapping out the details in the days prior, right? It should also be in brushing up on mon français, but I haven't quite got 'round to embarking on that particular portion of the blast, just yet. Anywho, thanks to my Married amie, I've recently discovered the joys of whining à la David Lebovitz. And by discovered I mean instantly obsessed. So much so that I bought the book after reading only a handful of his blog entries, and have it in hand today via Amazon Prime. Oh how I love my Amazon Prime. Et mon brand-spanking new Sweet Life. Perhaps the perfect and perfectly drôle companion for Sedaris' soujourn en France. I imagine les deux Davides are good friends. And if they're not, they should be. Immédiatement.